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61% of general population


A person who is purely sensitive might be a pushover who is always silent out of concern for others' emotions or because they believe that speaking up would be detrimental to the group. Stress grows as there is no way to be combative.


You probably know someone who resembles either of these.

Both are necessary for a successful, likeable leader, but they also must be able to convey to their staff different points of view.


The wise thing to do if you have issues with both extremes of the spectrum is to educate each party about the value of having both perspectives. The goal is to establish a rationale for why both are required at either extreme of the spectrum.


While a feeler needs to understand that thinkers are there for the team and can really inspire and cooperate with them to move the ship forward, a thinker can communicate their ideas more effectively if they work together and break down their thoughts in a calm manner.


Both are required to build a powerful mechanism that can move the mountain.


How to Handle Difficult Issues
The conflict between the Thinkers and the Feelers is brought on by challenging, important issues. the issues that cause you to wake up in the midst of the night with a cold sweat. Everyone has a solution, not because the issue is difficult.

The Thinker will often dominate the Feeler's answers, especially in high-stakes situations involving leaders, not because they are the most logical ones but rather because the Feeler is concerned that his actions will be the wrong ones.

When a decision must be made, the CEO will do so after the biggest problem comes to a standstill.


But is the CEO a peacemaker who seeks to foster unity within an organisation? Especially for one person to bear, difficult to say. Being a CEO is probably the most stressful job because you have to consider so many choices, some of which may be correct and some of which may be incorrect.


I've always approached my job with an extreme rationalist mindset, and that has been risky. For me, logic always prevails when confronted with a difficult choice. Not so much for others. What I've discovered works is to be able to explain why I feel this way and to many people, just demonstrating your concern for your answer is sufficient to persuade them.



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The personality types are divided into groups to demonstrate the validity and existence of healthy differences between individuals who prefer slightly different ways of viewing the world.

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